Want to get rid of paper business cards? Make your own digital business card with MoreApp!

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1. Make a lead form

Before you start designing your digital business card, you first need to create a digital lead form. Select our Digital Business Card template or start with a blank form.

If you decide to create your own lead form please note that you need to add the Email-widget to your form. This is necessary for the lead to receive your digital business card. All other widgets are optional and can be added depending on your personal preference. You could for example add a Photo-widget to take a picture of your lead business card. Don't forget to press Save when you're finished creating your form.  

2. Make your digital business card

You can create your own digital business card by configuring it as an email which will be send to your lead whenever he/she fills in your lead form. How to configure you email can be found here: Configuring your e-mail.

You can also add pictures and links to for example your website or LinkedIn page. Besides that, it is also possible to configure your email in another tool with HTML and export the code to MoreApp. 

Configure the email to your liking you'll be able to create your own digital business card.

3. Congratulations! 

You have successfully created your own lead form and digital business card! 

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