In the MoreApp Platform you can find the Submission Details of your form. Read all about the information you can find in the Submission Details.

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1. Emails with PDF

Recipients: The recipients of the email.
PDF: The PDF file that you can download.

2. Info

Data: Date of completion. The date when the submission is received by MoreApp.
User: The user who completed the form. This says anonymous if a direct URL is used.

3. Data

The data entered in the form is listed under the header Data.

4. Meta

Location: Where the form is sent.
Date saved: Date and time of saving the form. When the submission has been made on the device.
Device: The device used to send the form.
Network: The mobile network used by the device.
ID: The unique code of the submission.
Serial Number:  Here you can see how many of these forms have been sent. Learn how to add the serial number to the PDF.

5. Delete and resend submission

Delete submission: With this button, you can delete a submission.
Resend submission: With this button, you can resend a submission.

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