Add a pagebreaker to your PDF report to make clear distinctions between different subjects in your report.

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This feature is available in the Branch, Tree and Forest plan. Visit our Pricing page

1. Code view

Navigate to the Email tab and check the Advanced mode. Next, click on the code view (</>). Scroll down in the HTML code and add the code, which can be found at step 2, between the preferred widgets. It's also possible to add more than one pagebreaker in a form. 

2. Add the HTML code

Add the code below between </tr> and <tr> in the code view:



<div style="page-break-after: always"></div>

<table class="main" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<col style="width:40%">
<col style="width:60%">

When added, click on the code view again and Save & Publish the form. 

3. The result

Below is a PDF report without a pagebreaker:

Below a PDF report with a pagebreaker:

Page 1:

Page 2:

Note: You can only add a pagebreaker to the code view of the main form.

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